The Gone Series

August 5th, 2009

I just started a new series of books called the Gone series by Michael Grant. There are two books in the series right now, but it’s going to be a six-book series. The first one is called Gone. The second book is called Hunger.

In Gone, all the adults and anyone over 14 years old just disappear. One minute they’re there and the next they’re gone. There aren’t any teachers, cops, doctors, or parents. The phones, internet, and television are gone, too.

Food is running out and bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks, and animals are mutating. The teens are also developing powers that grow stronger by the day.

I think Gone is a very good book. I know I’d be scared if all of the adults disappeared. I think if that happened I would just stay with my friends. We would stick together and try to find out what happened and try to fix it.

I would also want to check every house and see if there were any babies or little kids to take care of. I think my job would be staying by the kids and making sure they get fed.

I think Michael Grant is a great author. He spent his life on the move. He was raised in a military family and attended ten schools in five states, including three schools in France. Even as an adult he kept moving. He became a writer because it was one of the few jobs that wouldn’t interfere with his moving. He lives in southern California with his wife, Katherine Applegate (who is also an author), and their two children.

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6 Responses to “The Gone Series”

  1. Brian |

    Amber, have you ever read “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding? Same concept. I think I read it in the 8th grade.

  2. Tom |

    I had the same thought about “Lord of the Flies.” Amber, you should read it. It’s about a group of schoolboys stranded on an island with no adults, how they organize and manage themselves, and how it works out. It was written by William Golding, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

  3. Amber |

    Wow it sounds good. Is it a series?

  4. Tom |

    No, just one book, and not that long, as I remember. It’s very famous and taken very seriously, particularly by people who think about and study political theory. But don’t let that scare you off — it’s also easy to read and very interesting.

  5. Brian |

    Maybe 300 pages, give or take.

    Some people will behave as savages, others will behave civilly. I think Golding was off in his percentages of savage vs civilization, but he was correct about there being a clear dichotomy between the two.

  6. Amber |

    Ok, I’ll give it a try sometime.

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