
Opinion Forum is a site where you can leave a comment to an existing post or write your own article for publication.  It’s not like the big ones, where you have to be famous to be published.

If you’d like to write regularly for Opinion Forum, you can become a contributing author.  A biography and a photo would be included on the “Authors” page.  If you’d like to be a contributor, please send an e-mail to editor@opinion-forum.com along with one or more proposed posts. 

If you want to publish just once or rarely, all you have to do is submit your post in the body of an e-mail message or as an attachment in .doc or .docx format to editor@opinion-forum.com.  Submissions will be lightly edited prior to publication.

What can you write about?  Whatever you wish–news of the day, politics, sports, your favorite recipe, life in general, or anything else that interests you.  And good jokes are always welcome!  It really doesn’t matter, as long as it’s interesting and reasonably well-written.

Please limit the length of your proposed posts to 800 words.  If a submission isn’t published, it will be returned to you with suggestions.

The Rules

Opinion Forum is intended to be a reasonably open site with discussion of a wide variety of opinions.  However, in order to maintain an acceptable level of quality and decorum, proposed posts and comments may be edited, rejected, or deleted.

Proposed posts that are poorly written or contain obscene language, pornography, gratuitous insults to others, or libelous language will be rejected and returned to the author. 

Comments that contain obscene language, pornography, gratuitous insults to others, or libelous language will be edited or deleted.  Comments may also be edited or deleted if they are not relevant to the post, are written mostly or entirely in capital letters (shouting), or contain little more than links to other websites.  Spam comments will be deleted immediately.

Written material and any other form of content published on Opinion Forum is the property of Opinion Forum and falls under Opinion Forum copyright. The content of published material remains the responsibility of the author, and the author retains ownership of all other versions of the material.


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