Spring Break

March 20th, 2009

Spring Break is finally here! Our Spring Break from school started last Friday, and on Saturday we left to go see our family.

It took us six hours to get there, but it was worth it. I got to see my aunt, uncle, and my three cousins. One of my cousins I didn’t get to see because he’s in Austin, Texas hog hunting. Bacon…..yum! I don’t know if I could kill an animal, though.

I got to see my cousin’s 11th birthday. She and I played Monopoly every day! Monopoly is my favorite board game.

My cousin is on a strict diet and has to do 150 jumping jacks, toe touches, and sit-ups every day. I couldn’t do that. I could do the eating healthy part, but I can’t say I would enjoy it. I like food!

On her Birthday, her mom let her eat pizza and cake. She was happy about that! When she went to the doctor yesterday she was supposed to lose 20 pounds, and guess what? She lost 21 pounds! So she’s getting her first phone tomorrow! I am so happy and proud of her!

Well, we got home yesterday, and right when I got home I went to sleep. I was so tired of the trip and so excited to sleep in my own bed with my fan. I was the last person to get up this morning. When I got up, we started cleaning the house. (We are trying to get it ready to sell.) My room is so clean now.

Now, I am looking forward to seeing my other uncle this Saturday. Thank goodness he lives 2 hours away and not longer.

I’m looking forward to the rest of Spring Break. I’m going to just lie around and be lazy for the next couple of days before I have to go back to school.

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One Response to “Spring Break”

  1. Tom |

    I always loved breaks from school. The biggest and best of all, of course, is the summer break. What are you planning to do this summer?

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