City of Bones

April 19th, 2009

I just finished a book this week called City Of Bones, written by Cassandra Clare.

I got this book at Barnes and Noble. I also got the second book in the series but not the last one. I’m going to wait for the last one because it cost more than the other two.

Stephenie Meyer (author of the “Twilight” series) loves this series. She recommended it to everybody, including “Twilight” fans! So I just had to read it!

City Of Bones is about a girl named Clary. Clary lives with her mother, Jocelyn.

Clary goes to the Pandemonium Club in New York City with her friend, Simon. She sees a blue-haired boy follow a girl to the storage room, and there are two guys following him. She tells Simon to look over there but he doesn’t see anything.

Clary goes into the storage room and sees the girl and the two boys murder the blue-haired boy. The people claim to be shadowhunters, people who kill demons. The blue-haired boy was a demon.

Simon comes in, and he can’t see them. The shadowhunters say that Clary has the sight and that mundanes (humans) aren’t supposed to see them. Clary runs out. The next day her mother is kidnapped and the shadowhunters say they can help her.

I think that anybody would love this book, especially people who love the “Twilight” series! I’m now on the second book of the series, called City Of Ashes. So far, it’s great! The third book is City Of Glass.

These books are awesome!

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3 Responses to “City of Bones”

  1. Sandra |

    Amber like I wrote on another comment I admire your dedicated reading. Reading is the best way to make your mind grow and keep developing it. My kids like to read also and I try to get them to read a lot. I try to get them to read what you write and maybe read those books too. Thanks for writing about them and recomending them.

  2. jamie |

    hey amber i love what u wrote i cant wait to read it your best friend jamie

  3. Amber |

    hey jamie! It is a very awesome book! Maybe I’ll let u borrow it sometime if u want.

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