New Book Deal!

August 3rd, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor

Just wanted to share some exciting news I just received. This week, I will be signing a contract with The Experiment Publishing, a New York City-based publishing house, to publish my next parenting book tentatively titled, Message in a Toddler: The 9 Essential Messages Before the Age of Three.

Thanks to Gerry Sindell (my friend, mentor, wedding officiant, and “book doctor”) for his assistance in preparing the book proposal and Leanne Sindell for helping me find my new literary agent, Carol Mann. And a big thanks to Carol for “getting” my book proposal, seeing the strength of my platform, and for her lightspeed distribution of my proposal and finalizing the details of the book deal with a top-of-the-line publisher so quickly.

The big challenge will be to finish the manuscript by Dec. 17 in order to have it published in the Spring of 2011 (otherwise I would have to wait another year to publish). Needless to say, this fall will be a busy time for me as I race to finish the manuscript (and, of course, continue my consulting, speaking, and other writing responsibilities).

(This article was also posted at Dr. Jim Taylor’s Blog.)

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8 Responses to “New Book Deal!”

  1. Dan Miller |

    Congratulations, Jim and best of luck.

  2. Dr. Jim Taylor |

    @Dan: Now who went ahead and posted my little announcement on O-F? Although it might perhaps stimulate some blogospheric discussion about child rearing. I’ll do my best to make the book nonpartisan!

    In any event, thanks for the good words. Now back to the book…

  3. Tom Carter |

    I plead guilty! I think it’s great news, even though I don’t face child-rearing problems these days. From what I’ve seen, though, there are lots of people who desperately need advice. If we can pass a law forcing people to buy health insurance, why can’t we pass one making parents of young kids buy your book? Just a thought….

  4. larry ennis |

    Great news, I’m very happy for you.
    Gosh this will mean I know a famous author.
    Can’t wait for dr.jim to appear on dr.phil!

  5. d |

    Congratulations! Hey,you wouldn’t want to tell me what those 9 messages are,would you? I have a toddler, granddaughter,who is rotten and need some help. Just kidding,unless you will tell me:).

  6. Dr. Jim Taylor |

    @all: Thanks for all the words of support.

    @Tom: Yes, a law requiring every parent to buy my book would be great (but a bit governmentally paternalistic!).

    @Larry: There is a difference between being an author and being famous. But I’ll work it!

    @d: My 9 messages are: Love, safety, competence, generosity, gratitude, environment (no, climate change won’t be mentioned!), respect, responsibility, and emotions.

  7. Tom Carter |

    Jim, I think she now has at least a moral obligation to buy the book!

  8. Brianna |


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