Is Earth Becoming Purgatory or Hell?

March 20th, 2013

By Dan Miller Or is it already one or the other? I don’t know the answer, but the question is a basis for this article. I am not a student of religion and know little of Roman Catholic doctrine concerning Purgatory and Hell. Nor, as best I can remember, have I ever stayed at a […]

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Teaching (and Learning) in Vietnam

March 13th, 2013

By Jan Barry Three decades after the end of the Vietnam War, Americans are welcome visitors and even classroom teachers in Vietnam. Before launching a career as a teacher in Texas, John Davin, a native of Rockland County, NY, decided to broaden his experience by teaching in Vietnam for a year. Armed with a degree […]

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Is Technology Preventing Two Key Ingredients for Kids’ Relationships?

March 6th, 2013

By Dr. Jim Taylor Selflessness and empathy are two of the most important ingredients for children to develop healthy relationships. Selflessness involves the capacity for children to place the concerns of others appropriately ahead of their own. It allows others to sense that, whatever children do, their interests will be considered. Empathy is the ability […]

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Are Online Relationships Healthy for Young People?

February 27th, 2013

By Dr. Jim Taylor More and more these days, young people are establishing and maintaining relationships online. These “cyber” relationships often arise because parents, out of fear for their children’s safety, no longer allow them to be “free range” to congregate in local parks, at malls, and on street corners. The only place that they […]

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Is Technology Changing the Way Children Develop Relationships?

February 11th, 2013

By Dr. Jim Taylor Popular culture and technology are redefining the meaning of relationships: what relationships are, how they develop and are maintained, and how many relationships we can have. Popular culture, for example, suggests that love can be found in a few weeks on shows like The Bachelor, real family’s lives mirror shows such […]

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