How NOT to Raise Spoiled Brats

March 1st, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor In “How to Raise Spoiled Brats,” I described what I have seen as a rise in spoiled and fiscally irresponsible brats among both wealthy and less affluent families. Several commenters suggested that it’s impossible to not raise spoiled brats in a moneyed family, in particular, because it is such an ever-present […]

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Parenting: Allowances to Teach Fiscal Responsibility

February 26th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor When parents teach their children the value of money and financial responsibility, children learn one of the most important and practical lessons in preparation for adulthood. Unfortunately, these lessons aren’t readily learned in our country today. Americans, with their ravenous appetites for conspicuous consumption, have never been more fiscally irresponsible. Americans, […]

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