The Disturbing Sexualization of REALLY Young Girls

October 8th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Whenever I think popular culture, and the companies that control it for their own profiteering ends, has gone as low as it can go in its wanton disregard for basic decency in general and children in particular, it always seems to find a way to dig deeper within itself and discover […]

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8 Dimensions of Crisis Mastery

September 6th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor My work in the business world, that has included helping companies survive crises of all sorts, has revealed eight dimensions that distinguish those who respond well to a crisis from those who don’t. Your ability to reject the crisis mentality and cultivate an opportunity psychology depends on your developing these essential […]

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Your Children Send Messages Too

August 11th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor Though my focus in Your Children Are Listening is on how you can send healthy messages to your children, the message highway is not one way. Your children are constantly sending you messages that you may or may not be getting or interpreting correctly. Your ability to receive and understand those […]

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Cognitive Biases Make Common Sense Neither

July 18th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor In a recent post, I argued that common sense was vastly over-rated as a tool for making sound judgments and that we need to engage in “reasoned sense” that includes both extensive direct experience and critical thinking. Taking steps that include the informal use of the scientific method can help us […]

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Swarm Theory and Politics

October 7th, 2010

By Dan Miller Can analogies be drawn between insect swarms and human political activity? Stink bugs have been swarming in Washington, D.C. where, unlike CongressCritters, “They really cause no harm … just a nuisance.” Fortunately, the Congress has adjourned. The swarming addressed here can be more than just a nuisance. Sometimes the results can be […]

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