Academic Success More Than ABCs

February 15th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor Making sure children have the academic knowledge and skills necessary for educational and career success is a hot topic these days all along the education and child development food chains. At the bottom, reform efforts have included overhauling school curricula, increasing teacher quality, reducing class size, and providing laptop computers to […]

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Confidence Matters in Business

November 24th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor I define confidence as: “How strongly you believe in your capabilities to learn new skills, perform at a certain level, attain a goal, or achieve your own definition of success. Confidence is the most important psychological contributor to performance in the business world because you may have all of the ability […]

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Ski Racing: Don’t Praise Your Children!

November 14th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor Please be prepared. I’m going to go on a bit of rant now. I just can’t hold it in any longer. I see parents doing this constantly and it’s killing me because they know not what they do and they are actually hurting their children’s personal and ski racing development. What […]

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Sports: Focus Control

September 3rd, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor Developing focus control is essential if you’re going to ensure that your focus style (as described in the July, 2010 issue of Prime Sport Alert!) helps rather than hurts your sports performance. There are several steps in the focus-control process. First, you have to identify your focus style and understand how […]

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