Do You Have ‘Complete Freedom’ in Your Life?

April 9th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor My series of posts on “life inertia” has been exploring the role that it plays in where your life has been, where it is now, and where it is heading. As you consider ways to change your life inertia, it’s helpful to have a vision of the direction you want your […]

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Blame Your Parents for Your Problems!

April 2nd, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor In my last post, I described the differences between needs, which ensure your psychological and emotional survival and growth, and NEEDS!, which arise from the neuroses, pathologies, and just plain whims of your parents and the environment and culture in which you are raised and have likely caused you considerable unhappiness […]

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Do You Have Needs or NEEDS!

March 27th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Just as your basic physical needs (e.g., food, water, shelter) must be met to ensure your physical survival and growth, another set of needs must also be satisfied to guarantee your psychological and emotional survival and growth. These needs include: Feeling loved (“I’m worthwhile”), Allaying insecurity (“I’m safe”), Feeling competent (“I’m […]

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