Get Ready for Your Big Event

July 6th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor The Wimbledon Tennis Championships just concluded and the Women’s Soccer World Cup is under way. And then there’s you. You’ve worked hard in pursuit of your goals and, hopefully, you’ve achieved at least some of your competitive goals including qualifying for an upcoming big event. You may not be in the […]

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Confidence Matters in Business

November 24th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor I define confidence as: “How strongly you believe in your capabilities to learn new skills, perform at a certain level, attain a goal, or achieve your own definition of success. Confidence is the most important psychological contributor to performance in the business world because you may have all of the ability […]

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Ten Laws of Prime Preparation

September 4th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor Success in the business world is not about who is the smartest; research shows that IQ is largely unrelated to status in the corporate food chain. Success is not about who has the best education; only 14% of Fortune 500 companies are led by Ivy Leaguers. And success is not about […]

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