
January 26th, 2009

I have three best friends that I’m so close to. We are always spending the night together and texting a lot. Their names are Jamie, Kourtney, and Caitlin.

So what really makes a friend?

For me, friends don’t just happen in a day. It takes awhile to gain trust and friendship. I can talk to my friends very easily. But, if we ever get into fights we make-up and learn from them. We always boost each other up and stick up forĀ each otherĀ if someone is being mean.

I think that a friend should like you for who you are and respect what you believe in.

I don’t care about being “popular” and having popular friends. I only care about making friends that I want to have even if they’re not popular and have cool clothes. I think that having friends just makes life a little easier.

I once saw this saying, “Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookie of life.” That’s so true.

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3 Responses to “Friends”

  1. Tom |

    Very nicely written, Amber. I think we often forget how precious friends are. Keeping our friends close requires a little bit of work sometimes, too. We have to be as patient and tolerant with them as we want them to be with us.

  2. doris |

    Friends are the most important thing you can have, Amber. You can live without alot of things, but not friends. Husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, can come and go, but friends are forever. That is, if you nurture your friendships and never allow boys to come between you and your friends. Never betray your friends for any reason, and they will be with you for life…. I have my best friend, Ginger, without whom I couldn’t have survived my bad times in life and I am also there for her, always, no matter what. She has been my best friend for over 25 years, cool, huh?

  3. lillie |

    Amber, I am very proud of the lessons in life that you have learned at such an early age. I am thankful that you have good friends that respect and admire you for the amazing person that you are. You are right in your cool analysis of chocolate chips in the cookie of life. That is so true!! You are also right that true friendship takes time in building trust. I agree with Doris in her comments about the importance of friends. A person can say their friends are “books,” which can certainly occupy your mind and stimulate you to go to faraway places, and even educate you and increase your knowledge tremendously (along with shooting you past a few years’ school in reading levels, as you have done), but it’s cool to have friends to talk to and that understand where you’re coming from. I love that for you. I want only joy and happiness for you, dear girl.

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