Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

May 29th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor What is the worst emotion you can imagine feeling? In my work, I see people express many different emotions. Yes, some are wonderful such as joy, excitement, pride, and inspiration. But others I see, not surprisingly, are less positive including fear, frustration, anger, and sadness. Yet, the one emotion that lies […]

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Gaddafi Is Our Ally and Friend, Not Our Enemy

June 26th, 2011

by John H.M. Smith This is an urgent appeal for saving Gaddafi’s life. Since 2004 Gaddafi has actually defected to the West, compensating all Lockerbie victims’ families and genuinely giving up all his WMD.  He also confessed his nuclear providers, i.e., North Korea and China; that’s why China didn’t veto U.N. sanctions. When Gaddafi was […]

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Business: Steps to Stress Mastery

May 14th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor Having the right attitude and positive goals, as I discussed in the last issue of Prime Business Alert!, are important steps for becoming a stress master. But just thinking about mastering stress won’t make it so. You have to actually do things to relieve your stress.  Here are some suggestions for […]

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Selling Our House and Moving

June 18th, 2009

We put our house up for sale last month. We are trying to get to another area that has a better school district. The schools here aren’t very challenging. We’re doing lots of things to get the house ready to sell. We had a small living room, so we built a bigger one last year. […]

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Summer Vacation

March 23rd, 2009

Summer is coming up so fast and so is Summer Vacation! The last day of school is May 29th. It feels like this year has gone by really fast. I can’t believe it’s already almost April! I am excited for the school year to be over, but I love going to school and learning. Also, […]

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