Gaddafi Is Our Ally and Friend, Not Our Enemy

June 26th, 2011

by John H.M. Smith This is an urgent appeal for saving Gaddafi’s life. Since 2004 Gaddafi has actually defected to the West, compensating all Lockerbie victims’ families and genuinely giving up all his WMD.  He also confessed his nuclear providers, i.e., North Korea and China; that’s why China didn’t veto U.N. sanctions. When Gaddafi was […]

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Gaddafi’s Stash: Obama Again Finds the Way in a Crisis

March 29th, 2011

By Dan Miller President Obama, well known for his uncanny ability to walk, chew gum and juggle, has found in Libya a solution to the worst crisis facing the United States and has thereby demonstrated that he can indeed do those things and more, all at the same time. El Presidente Chávez of Venezuela has […]

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Obama’s Scary Discomfort with American Power

March 29th, 2011

By Seth Forman President Obama’s conviction that American power must be harnessed to the predilections of other countries continues to be his predominant presidential trait, even if he has resorted to strong unilateral shows of force at times when other options have seemed in short supply (e.g. the killing of pirates who kidnapped Americans, the […]

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North Korea: Gaddafi Should Have Had More Spunk

March 27th, 2011

By Dan Miller According to a New York Times article, an “anonymous North Korean official” from the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) claimed that the DPRK’s nuclear activities are justified in light of the actions of the United States and others against Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi. North Korea’s official news agency […]

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