Ron Paul and Double Standards

January 12th, 2012

By Seth Forman Now that Ron Paul has achieved electoral respectability in the Republican primaries, the media is in high dudgeon over his extremism.  Paul, according to the procurators of good taste at the New York Times, “long ago disqualified himself for the presidency” by, among other things, “peddling claptrap proposals” such as “cutting a third […]

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The American Dream: Sick but Not Dead

September 16th, 2011

By Seth Forman The American Dream of the past eighty years has been defined as single-family home ownership. Suburbs and single-family home ownership appear to fulfill very powerful aspirations for large numbers of people. “The suburban dream house is the idealization of every immigrant’s Dream — the vassal’s dream of his own castle,” wrote Italian-born […]

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Understanding the Real Meaning of 9/11

August 30th, 2011

By Seth Forman Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic has a wonderful piece on “The Real Meaning of 9/11.” As he should, Goldberg places the “meaning” at the feet of Islamist hatred. He skewers the intellectuals who defend them and build a scaffold of ideology to excuse this murderous horde. But, as any well-intentioned centrist, he […]

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Five Arguments Against Gay Marriage

June 24th, 2011

By Seth Forman Society must brace for corrosive change. Putting gay unions on a legal par with heterosexual ones may radically alter our culture. New York State, the media report with poorly disguised elation, is set to legally redefine marriage to include relationships between two same-sex adults. Before this happens, people of good conscience, supporters […]

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Obama’s America in Black & White

June 23rd, 2011

By Seth Forman Black political segregation, nurtured by the policies of the 1960s, has only hardened in the Obama years. Platitudes about the civic utopia that would spring forth from the election of Barack Obama have vanished. Thomas Friedman’s claim that “the American Civil War ended, as a black man … became president of the […]

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