President Obama Says That Same-sex Marriage Is Way Cool

May 12th, 2012

By Dan Miller On May 9th, President Obama came out in favor of same-sex marriage; sort of.  Acknowledging that it’s a matter of fairness that remains up to the states, he was planning to get around to it if and when convenient. There is already excessive Federal involvement in marriage, including multiple tax and Social […]

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Pride in My Bride: A Mother’s Day Tribute

May 11th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Mother’s Day is on Sunday. Unfortunately, my own mother died some years ago, so I can’t celebrate the day with her (though I owe her an immense debt of gratitude for all that she gave me). There is, however, another mother in my life that deserves to be honored, namely, my […]

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Five Arguments Against Gay Marriage

June 24th, 2011

By Seth Forman Society must brace for corrosive change. Putting gay unions on a legal par with heterosexual ones may radically alter our culture. New York State, the media report with poorly disguised elation, is set to legally redefine marriage to include relationships between two same-sex adults. Before this happens, people of good conscience, supporters […]

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Homosexuality, Marriage, and Religion

August 12th, 2010

By Dan Miller According to recent “lies, damn lies or statistics” I read somewhere, most people now wish Proposition 8 had never passed. Some of them probably think that California has more important stuff to worry about – unemployment, approaching bankruptcy and/or foreclosure, undocumented democrats aliens arriving by the truckload from Arizona to be fed, […]

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