David Axelrod Is Right: Government Is Too Big and Uncontrollable

May 16th, 2013

By Dan Miller President Obama, as usual, is blameless for any misfeasance and malfeasance of the Government he allegedly leads. Let’s make it easier for him by making it simpler and smaller. Due to the complexity and multiplicity of scandals increasingly enveloping the Obama Administration, I became too bogged down with constantly emerging new stuff […]

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Trust – but Verify – Governmental Statements and Actions

May 10th, 2013

By Dan Miller If verification is not seriously attempted, lies will go unnoticed. More lies will follow. That’s one difference Benghazi makes now. What difference does it make?

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Freedom Can Be Taken. When Inherited or Otherwise Given, Does It Last?

April 26th, 2013

By Dan Miller If taken at great cost, it often lasts for quite a while. If inherited, not that long. If given, it is even more readily perishable. The United States gained their freedom, by force and at great cost, from those who used military might to prevent them from having it. Even many in the […]

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President Obama Will Visit North Korea

April 7th, 2013

By Dan Miller Through his newly appointed press secretary, Dennis Rodman, President Obama today announced that he and Mr. Rodman will visit Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang next week. Their meeting is expected to eliminate all of our petty misunderstandings. This is a guest post by Senator Ima Librul, (L., Utopia). He is a member of […]

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Will the United States Make the Fantasies of a Young North Korean Come True?

April 1st, 2013

By Dan Miller How close are we to becoming what the young girl in this North Korean  video thinks all countries should become? The Religion of Kim in North Korea The North Korean propaganda video presented below was released several years ago and was apparently designed to show the life of a family in (comparatively […]

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