Will the United States Make the Fantasies of a Young North Korean Come True?

April 1st, 2013

By Dan Miller How close are we to becoming what the young girl in this North Korean  video thinks all countries should become? The Religion of Kim in North Korea The North Korean propaganda video presented below was released several years ago and was apparently designed to show the life of a family in (comparatively […]

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Racist? Don’t Be Silly! Only Conservatives Are Racists.

January 4th, 2013

By Dan Miller Is it wicked to give a pass to Islamists when they slaughter Jews, Christians and other infidels? No! It’s not their fault. They are meant to rule the world and need to do it because that’s their way. Therefore, treating them as we would other vile savages is wicked. Instead, we must […]

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Political Correctness Is a Communicable Disease

October 10th, 2012

By Dan Miller It is transmitted by hot air, a consequence of global warming (caused by deadly carbon emissions) not complained of by well known Climatologist St. Al the Gored. Libruls are the principal carriers and are also the most susceptible. Political correctness (also known as rhetorical cowardice) involves being less than candid, not only […]

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Chávez Got Reelected; What about the U.S. November Election?

October 8th, 2012

By Dan Miller Chávez is said to have got fifty-four percent of the vote. Assuming that he did, why and does it augur anything for our own election? Here are some thoughts from my favorite Venezuelan blogger, Daniel Duquenal (pseudonym) about yesterday’s election. A student of Venezuela, he lives and votes there. He also dislikes […]

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President Obama Presents Vision for America, Media Go Racist

October 4th, 2012

By Dan Miller He needs all the help he can get. And lots more. The “principled” media lost all sense of racial sensitivity and real bipartisanship as they reported on President Obama’s incredible debate performance last night. Their reports damned his performance by failing to give proper weight to the great handicap with which he […]

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