Racist? Don’t Be Silly! Only Conservatives Are Racists.

January 4th, 2013

By Dan Miller Is it wicked to give a pass to Islamists when they slaughter Jews, Christians and other infidels? No! It’s not their fault. They are meant to rule the world and need to do it because that’s their way. Therefore, treating them as we would other vile savages is wicked. Instead, we must […]

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The Nazi of Nanking

December 9th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Last spring, I read a book called The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang.  Iris was the descendant of Chinese immigrants; her parents were actually professors at my university, so she grew up here in Chambana.  Her grandparents had managed to flee Nanking before it had been taken by the Japanese; it […]

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