Why Can’t Muhammad Be as Funny as the Pope?

February 28th, 2012

By Tom Carter The media are loath to write or depict anything that might inflame Muslims to come looking for them with knives, guns, bombs, or airplanes.  Part of the reason is fear, and who can blame them — no one wants to be murdered.  Another part is their antipathy toward Jews and Israel and […]

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Two Elderly Posts about the Murders of the Fogel Family

February 23rd, 2012

By Dan Miller In view of the current and worsening situations in Israel and in enemy states, these articles still seem relevant. Those who forsake humanity should have no legitimate expectation of being accorded the human rights they deny to others. Yet many insist otherwise and President Obama seems to be among them.  Does he […]

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Murderers of the Fogel Family in Israel Are Heroes

January 29th, 2012

By Dan Miller U.S warmongers who urinate on dead Taliban heroes are war criminals. According to this article, Palestinian television aired an interview with the relatives of the Fogel family murderers earlier this month, praising the two cousins convicted with the brutal attack as “heroes.” The broadcast was aired as part of a weekly show […]

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Previous Psychiatrist Pens Presidential Pardon Petition

December 30th, 2011

By Dan Miller No, not for trying to help Chávez appear to be sane, something Chávez has rarely if ever managed. Instead, it was reported here that CARACAS – Psychiatrist and former university chancellor Edmundo Chirinos, who says that President Hugo Chavez was his patient, asked the Venezuelan head of state for a pardon to […]

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Supreme Court Denies Obama Request to Stay Execution

July 8th, 2011

By Dan Miller Update: Sr. Leal is no longer among us, having quite properly been executed. Humberto Leal Garcia Jr. is still scheduled to be executed today in Texas, the Supreme Court having denied a request in which the Obama Administration had joined to stay it. The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected a bid by […]

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