The Church and the Holocaust

January 29th, 2013

By Tom Carter International Holocaust Remembrance Day, created in 2005 by a UN General Assembly resolution, coincides with the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet forces on January 27, 1945. This is the third of a series of three articles being re-published to observe this solemn day of remembrance. There has long been […]

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Auschwitz and the Holocaust

January 28th, 2013

By Tom Carter International Holocaust Remembrance Day, created in 2005 by a UN General Assembly resolution, coincides with the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet forces on January 27, 1945. This is the second of a series of three articles being re-published to observe this solemn day of remembrance. The Auschwitz complex consisted […]

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Remembering the Holocaust

January 27th, 2013

By Tom Carter International Holocaust Remembrance Day, created in 2005 by a UN General Assembly resolution, coincides with the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp by Soviet forces on January 27, 1945. This is the first of a series of three articles being re-published to observe this solemn day of remembrance. The Auschwitz concentration camp […]

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Election Day Silliness

November 6th, 2012

By Tom Carter The last time I voted in person in the U.S. was, to the best of my memory, in 1984.  (I voted for Walter Mondale; just shut up…!)  Every election after that, I was living somewhere overseas, and I voted by absentee ballot.  Sometimes I voted only for the big offices — president, […]

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Gems from Drudge

July 15th, 2012

By Tom Carter Like millions of other people in the world, I started my daily tour of news and commentary with the Drudge Report. Matt Drudge, whose Drudge Report gained early fame by breaking the Bill Clinton – Monica Lewinsky story after Newsweek spiked it, is often accused of being a conservative ideologue.  He probably […]

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