Previous Psychiatrist Pens Presidential Pardon Petition

December 30th, 2011

By Dan Miller No, not for trying to help Chávez appear to be sane, something Chávez has rarely if ever managed. Instead, it was reported here that CARACAS – Psychiatrist and former university chancellor Edmundo Chirinos, who says that President Hugo Chavez was his patient, asked the Venezuelan head of state for a pardon to […]

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Let’s Declare Victory in the War on Street Drugs

December 18th, 2011

By Dan Miller Brother’s keeper? Big Government is no kindly brother; it’s a bully. Don’t devolve! Remember the Darwin Awards? They are said to be given posthumously to those whose irresponsible antics prevent them from continuing to pollute the gene pool.

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Manuel Noriega Returns to Panama

December 12th, 2011

By Dan Miller On Sunday, he was transferred to a maximum security facility in the jungle. After spending more than two decades imprisoned in the United States and then France, former Panamanian dictator Manuel (Pineapple Face) Noriega was flown back to the Republic of Panamá on the evening of Sunday, December 11. More than one […]

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Chavez Criticized by a Loyal Friend on the Left

July 4th, 2011

By Dan Miller As el Presidente Chávez of Venezuela recovers, or doesn’t recover, from Cancer in Cuba, Noam Chomsky has urged the release of a Venezuelan judge imprisoned by the Chávez regime.  Mr. Chomsky has supported Chávez slavishly and has expressed his wishes for Chávez’ recovery and return to Venezuela. The judge, Maria Lourdes Afiuna, […]

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Madoff Sentenced to 150 Years

June 29th, 2009

According to a New York Times report, Bernie Madoff has just been sentenced to 150 years in prison.  The judge who sentenced him called his crimes “extraordinarily evil.” I guess we can all rest better tonight.  Madoff’s victims won’t receive much compensation for their losses; however, we can take heart from the fact that we’ll pay his […]

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