Our 5-Hour, $10,000 Visit to the ER

October 1st, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Back in August, while on vacation in Idaho, my wife began to experience some stomach pain but didn’t think much of it. But, on our drive home around 9 pm as we neared Reno, the pain became intolerable. I called 911 and was directed to the emergency room of the Northern […]

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Is Your Family’s Relationship with Technology Healthy?

September 18th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor How involved in technology your children are is only half of the equation in its impact on them. The other half, of course, is the degree to which you are savvy in both your understanding and use of technology. The research indicating that children spend, on average, more than 7.5 hours […]

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Iraq: Hot News and History

December 29th, 2011

By Jan Barry “Crisis plagues Iraq as U.S. troops depart — As the last U.S. soldiers exited Iraq Sunday and debate was raging about the nation’s future, political crisis erupted in Baghdad that raised fears of more sectarian strife to come. Iraqiya, a powerful political bloc that draws support largely from Sunni and more secular […]

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Let’s Declare Victory in the War on Street Drugs

December 18th, 2011

By Dan Miller Brother’s keeper? Big Government is no kindly brother; it’s a bully. Don’t devolve! Remember the Darwin Awards? They are said to be given posthumously to those whose irresponsible antics prevent them from continuing to pollute the gene pool.

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ObamaCare, the CLASS Act and the Insurance Mandate

October 17th, 2011

By Dan Miller The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports law (a.k.a. CLASS Act), claiming to provide long term care for us old geezers without burdening the country’s budget, unraveled last week and the Obama Administration put it into suspended animation announcing in a Friday news dump that it would not work financially. President Obama, […]

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