The President Is Not The Chief of the Nation

March 12th, 2013

By Dan Miller He is the chief Only of the U.S. military. Our nation has no “Chief” or “Commander.” As shown below, the President often behaves as though he considers himself the Commander in Chief, not only of the U.S. Military but of the nation. Others seem to respond to him as though he were. […]

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People Control, the First Amendment and Article V

January 24th, 2013

By Dan Miller Part II Part I dealt mainly with the Second Amendment. This Part II deals principally with the First Amendment and how the Constitution gets changed. Part III will deal mainly with the Bill of Rights in general. Introduction President Obama’s second inaugural address is exceptionally well dealt with here. It is frightening. […]

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Gun Control, People Control and Our Tired Old Constitution

January 22nd, 2013

By Dan Miller Part I Although it does not reflect modern Librul thinking, the Second Amendment is co-equal with the rest of the Bill of Rights in guaranteeing the rights of a free people. Infringement of any part of the Bill of Rights can easily lead to infringement of all.

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Alice in Supreme Court Land

June 30th, 2012

By Dan Miller Alice had a strange time in Wonderland. Here’s what she would have encountered had she fallen down the rabbit hole into the Supreme Court. When Alice fell down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, she encountered the Red Queen, the Mad Hatter and other strange creatures. The favorite expression of the Red Queen […]

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The Supreme Court Did Far Worse than Merely Uphold ObamaCare

June 29th, 2012

By Dan Miller The majority decision distorts the Constitution to uphold ObamaCare. As bad as ObamaCare is, the decision transcends ObamaCare most perniciously because it expands the power of the Congress to interfere in countless other ways as yet unknown in how we live our lives. John Turley today noted that having decided that the […]

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