Cleansing the Palate of an Unpleasant Islamist Flavor

July 22nd, 2012

By Dan Miller After posting two disconcerting re-blogs yesterday about the culture of rape enjoyed by our Islamist brethren and about the extent to which Englishmen have been deprived of their freedoms in order to appease increasing numbers of violent Islamists infesting England, I awoke this morning in need of a restorative. I had dreamed […]

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Supreme Court Denies Obama Request to Stay Execution

July 8th, 2011

By Dan Miller Update: Sr. Leal is no longer among us, having quite properly been executed. Humberto Leal Garcia Jr. is still scheduled to be executed today in Texas, the Supreme Court having denied a request in which the Obama Administration had joined to stay it. The U.S. Supreme Court today rejected a bid by […]

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Duke and Scottsboro: Crystal Mangum and Victoria Price

December 19th, 2010

by R.B. Parrish In the 1930s, two white prostitutes falsely accused nine black men of gang-rape, in order to avoid facing other police charges. Before the ensuing Scottsboro trials were over, the main accuser, Victoria Price (the second accuser had recanted) was transformed by the white public into a woman of the purest virtue, the […]

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The Nazi of Nanking

December 9th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Last spring, I read a book called The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang.  Iris was the descendant of Chinese immigrants; her parents were actually professors at my university, so she grew up here in Chambana.  Her grandparents had managed to flee Nanking before it had been taken by the Japanese; it […]

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Justice to Appease

December 1st, 2010

By R.B. Parrish We usually depict Justice as blindfolded, but we never show her as deaf; we know that she — and prosecutors — sometimes dance to the tune of the mob. A few years ago in an eastern city activists demanded action after police had been unable to stop a rash of assaults against […]

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