Cleansing the Palate of an Unpleasant Islamist Flavor

July 22nd, 2012

By Dan Miller After posting two disconcerting re-blogs yesterday about the culture of rape enjoyed by our Islamist brethren and about the extent to which Englishmen have been deprived of their freedoms in order to appease increasing numbers of violent Islamists infesting England, I awoke this morning in need of a restorative. I had dreamed […]

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Blaming Islamic Violence on Koran Burning

April 24th, 2011

By Dan Miller Are the illnesses of those who blame islamic violence on Koran burning contagious? Have any possible similarities occurred to anyone else as among — ► Those who lay the blame at the feet of some jerk guy who burned a Koran in the United States for the subsequent widespread death and destruction […]

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What’s the Alternative to Intrusive TSA Security?

November 17th, 2010

By Tom Carter The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is deploying more full body scanners at airports, and they’ve instituted new and aggressive pat-down procedures.  If you opt-out of the full body scan for any reason, or if they pick you at random, you’re going to get petted, patted, groped, and stroked in all your private […]

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A Child in the Islamic Republic

October 4th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Last night, I attended a speech given by Tabby Davoodi, an Iranian Jew whose family escaped from the Islamic Republic in 1988 and who was invited to speak at the University of Illinois about the Iranian regime and her experiences growing up there before she and her family fled to America. “I’m […]

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The Mosque at Ground Zero

August 26th, 2010

By Tom Carter It would be hard to find another issue as emotional and poorly understood as the so-called mosque at Ground Zero.  The issue was created for the most part by a Muslim and his wife and became a hot potato when they announced that ground would be broken for the project on September […]

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