Air Travel: The Agony and the Ecstasy

January 4th, 2012

By Tom Carter I just got back from one of my frequent trips to Europe.  I’ve checked out ways to get there other than flying on an airline. I could book a berth on a cargo ship, a fairly inexpensive way to cross the ocean.  Then, from whatever port I end up at in Europe, […]

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Rethinking National Security at the Pentagon

May 11th, 2011

By Jan Barry “Sustainability” is the latest buzz word in academic and environmental circles. Now it is also buzzing around the halls of the Pentagon. As the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan run out of rationalizations and public patience, two staff officers working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff have developed a new twist […]

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Just Following Orders

April 15th, 2011

By Dan Miller

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How To Turn Off the Internet

January 30th, 2011

One response by the Mubarak regime was to turn off the internet nationwide. It’s the first time a country has done that, and it raises an interesting question: How can it be turned off?

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“Profiling” Is Not a Dirty Word

November 25th, 2010

By Dan Miller We tip-toe around it because we have allowed politically correct labels to make it seem to be so. I recently wrote here about constitutional limitations on the new Transportation Security Administration (TSA) strip and grope procedures. They subject us to the sorts of governmental control the Constitution was intended to prevent and […]

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