Department of Transportation Prepares for President Obama’s Reelection

July 9th, 2012

By Dan Miller It recognizes that many of us will need lots more emotional support. Life has improved greatly since the primitive olden days of air travel. On July 5th, the Department of Transportation published its new Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel: Draft Technical Assistance Manual in the Federal Register. Among […]

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The Olden Days of Air Travel Were Horridly Primitive

March 16th, 2012

By Dan Miller We didn’t have the TSA, delicious airline meals or pleasant flight attendants.  It’s all so much better now. Don’t believe it?  Just watch these shocking videos.

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Air Travel: The Agony and the Ecstasy

January 4th, 2012

By Tom Carter I just got back from one of my frequent trips to Europe.  I’ve checked out ways to get there other than flying on an airline. I could book a berth on a cargo ship, a fairly inexpensive way to cross the ocean.  Then, from whatever port I end up at in Europe, […]

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Too Fat to Fly

February 17th, 2010

By Tom Carter Movie actor and director Kevin Smith was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight on February 13 for being “too fat to fly” in one seat. He had previously purchased two seats, as many airlines require of passengers beyond a certain size. However, he was on standby for an earlier flight, and there […]

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The Travails of Air Travel

October 12th, 2009

I’m sitting in the Munich, Germany airport writing this, en route from the U.S. to Serbia.  This trip, like every trip to one degree or another, leaves me with less than a positive attitude toward airlines.  On the long, boring flight from Washington Dulles to Munich, I found myself reflecting on the differences between air […]

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