Air Travel: The Agony and the Ecstasy

January 4th, 2012

By Tom Carter I just got back from one of my frequent trips to Europe.  I’ve checked out ways to get there other than flying on an airline. I could book a berth on a cargo ship, a fairly inexpensive way to cross the ocean.  Then, from whatever port I end up at in Europe, […]

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Traveling Inland

June 4th, 2010

By Dan Miller After retiring from his law practice in 1996, Dan and his wife cruised the Caribbean in their sailboat, the Namaste, until 2001.  Then they settled inland on a finca in rural Panama.  This article was first published back then in Caribbean Compass.  The fictional Storm Tossed arrived at “Puerto la Grunge” in […]

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The Travails of Air Travel

October 12th, 2009

I’m sitting in the Munich, Germany airport writing this, en route from the U.S. to Serbia.  This trip, like every trip to one degree or another, leaves me with less than a positive attitude toward airlines.  On the long, boring flight from Washington Dulles to Munich, I found myself reflecting on the differences between air […]

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Traveling Through America

September 18th, 2009

After enduring travel in an army convoy that rattled over rutted roads for two months navigating from coast to coast in 1919, Dwight Eisenhower’s dream was a national network of paved highways. As president, Ike signed an order in 1956 to build a system of superhighways. Little did he know how that would turn out. […]

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