On Munching a Tarantula

June 7th, 2009

Rod Blagojevich isn’t the only member of his family willing to do just about anything for a buck, including selling a U.S. Senate seat.  His wife Patti, appearing on an ITV reality show in Costa Rica called “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here,” ate a dead tarantula

Rod wanted to go on the show himself, but a Chicago judge refused to let him.  Seeing as how the Blagos need money, Patti went in his place.  And munched a tarantula for him.  Greater love hath no woman than to chomp on a large, hairy, squishy, dead arachnid for her hubby…. 

Rod appeared on CNN’s Larry King show (where else?) a couple of days ago.  He confided to the Kingster,

She’s making a sacrifice because she loves her kids.  Eating that tarantula like she had to is an act of love. It’s a sign that this is a mother who loves her children. … I sure would have liked to have been the one to have to do some of the things that, unfortunately, Patti has to do.  It’s, you know, with mixed feelings that I watch that. It’s difficult to see her have to do something like this.  But it’s a way for us to make a living as we rebuild our lives, keep our kids in the same school that they’re in, stay in the same home that they’ve lived in for the past eight years and try to keep as much of a normal life for our children as possible, even though we have this short period of time in the month of June that their mom is gone.

While mom was out of the country dining in the jungle, Rod had to learn to be a stay-at-home-dad.  He told Larry,

I’m now discovering how difficult her life has been on a day-to-day basis, since I’m the primary care-giver with our two little girls.  It’s amazing how sometimes we take for granted what moms do and parents who care for their kids on a day-to-day basis.

I don’t know which is more pukable, chewing on a big dead spider or listening to Rod Blagojevich talk about his wife doing it.

Isn’t there anything we can do to make this guy go away?

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One Response to “On Munching a Tarantula”

  1. Dee |

    I suppose I would feel more sympathetic had they chosen not to go the reality TV route to try to get money and attention. Didn’t she have some high-profile job prior to flying down to Costa Rica?

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