7th Grade

September 2nd, 2009

School started August 24th, and I’m in 7th grade! I was excited to go back to school to see my friends, but I knew I was going to miss the Summer.

The first day of school I was so happy to see my friends and my teachers were really nice.

My first period is English. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Killgore. She’s super funny!

My 2nd period is Texas History. My teacher is Coach Tooley, and I had him last year, too. Social Studies has always been my least favorite class, but Coach Tooley makes it fun. Its really funny because Coach Tooley thinks he’s so cool.

My 3rd period is P.E. It’s another one of my least favorites.

My 4th period is Science with Mrs. Stewart. She’s nice but a little strict. Science is my favorite subject. After 4th period, we go to lunch.

Then, fifth period is Art with Mrs. Stewart. (There are two Mrs. Stewarts in our school. They are not related.) I love Art! It’s so much fun! Mrs. Stewart is strict but fun.

After that is 6th period, which is reading. Reading is my favorite thing to do. My Reading teacher is Mrs. Kirchner. She’s my favorite teacher because she’s really nice, and when we learn something she tells us how we are going to use it later on in life.

Last period is Advanced Math, or Pre Algebra. My teacher’s name is Mrs. Manuel. Right now, we are learning positives and negatives. First it was really confusing, but now it’s really fun.

I like all of my teachers and seeing my friends every day is great!

I’m so tired and can’t wait to sleep-in this weekend!

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6 Responses to “7th Grade”

  1. doris |

    Sounds like fun, Amber. Makes me wish for school days and no real responsibilities. I just thought life was hard then. If I only knew. Enjoy these years, Amber, these are the ones you will remember the most fondly. Life is so sweet at your age. I wish I could go back to your age and know then what I know now. How awesome that would be. So listen to your Mom and Grandma, and know they have been there, and try to learn from their experiences. You are an amazing and delightful young woman.

  2. Tom |

    I remember those years in school, too, Amber — I guess everyone does. I also remember being told that those were the best years of my life, I should enjoy them and make the most of them, etc. However, I’m not sure I ever really bought that. I also remember the frustrations, the limitations, problems dealing with other kids and adults (especially adults!), and impatiently waiting to grow up and get away from it all.

    Looking back through all the years to school days, the only thing I’m sure of is that all time is precious. Always make the most of it, whether you’re in 7th grade or in retirement. After all, you only get one shot at life.

  3. Brian Bagent |

    Amber, you’ve got to come see the new kid goats. We have 4 of them, and still one pregnant doe that should deliver any day.

    Learn to like PE. I love thinking and writing, but there is nothing like pushing yourself to your physical limits and conquering something within yourself that you didn’t believe was possible.

    Your Great Uncle Tom will back me up on this – the greatest part of proving yourself physically actually takes a strong mind. You may have heard of Navy SEALS or Army Rangers. Every one I’ve ever talked to said that the most difficult part of their training was the mental aspect, finding that mental strength to keep pushing when everything in your body says “stop torturing me.” They are all in great shape when they start their training, and the physical aspect of their SEAL/Ranger training is so demanding that many are in worse shape when they graduate than when they start. Only about 1 person out of every 3 that starts those schools actually graduates, and they are mentally the toughest people in those classes.

    So, I challenge you to improve your mind by improving your body. I bet that your Uncle Donnie backs me up on this, too.

  4. doris |

    As do I. There is no greater feeling than to challenge yourself physically and win. The euphoria you feel is the only high you ever need. Physical fitness is as important as learning and reading, to me.

  5. Amber |

    Well, there is no greater feeling than eating double chocolate chip brownies or McDonald’s Fries! lol! 8)

  6. Tom |

    Amber, I’m with you on this one! I try to limit my trips to McDonald’s (only five minutes from home!) to once every week or so, but that Big Mac and fries makes all the difference in my happiness quotient.

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