Many More Government Jobs Are Needed and Shall Be Provided

December 8th, 2012

By Dan Miller As we eliminate the private sector and welfare state, we will need more government employees. Introduction. I have reluctantly decided, as every compliant citizen must and as every other voter already has, that Speaker Boehner is right and that all who refuse to play on his team and instead reject President Obama’s grand […]

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Should Parents Raise Their Own Children?

April 16th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor This is, I realize, a rather heretical question to ask given the size of the “parent-industrial complex,” the fact that the word parent has morphed from being a noun (i.e., what someone is) into a verb (i.e., what someone does), and the recent proliferation of “I am a better parent than […]

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i deserv, i mean lik, yu no, more betr edutasion

March 15th, 2012

By Dan Miller the wurld aint fare and i deserv lots more betr stuff then i get.  mostli i deserv a gudd edutasion so i kan hav lotsa monie two liv gud and sav th wurld like i wanna. i weasted twelve years of mi lyfe in skools and done gradueted. stil peple tell me […]

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Testing in Schools Isn’t Working

July 8th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor Testing has become the end-all, be-all of the public education reform movement. The idea seems quite sensible, that holding students (and teachers) to certain objective standards incentivizes both of these stakeholders to work harder and achieve their goals. It also seems reasonable to use the results of those tests as measures […]

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How To Teach Students to Cheat

July 7th, 2011

By Dan Miller This article reports that there’s something rotten in Atlanta: Award-winning gains by Atlanta students were based on widespread cheating by 178 named teachers and principals, said Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Tuesday. His office released a report from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that names 178 teachers and principals – 82 of […]

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