Need a Vacation? Brazil Is a Neat Place to Go

April 22nd, 2011

By Dan Miller

Mohsen RabbaniArrange for Islamic instruction free or at reduced rates.

According to this article, it’s possible to enjoy more than the beautiful scenery and other customary tourist attractions there; want to sign up for a great multicultural experience? Islamic religious training in Iran can be arranged; although progress is being made, the United States remains slightly deficient in the availablility of such training. So go for it; it might even be free through the generosity of Iranian scholar Mohsen Rabbani and his friends.

Mohsen Rabbani seems to be a gentle soul.

“Professor” Rabbani is wanted for his involvement in acts of terrorism since November 9, 2006.  His capture is considered so vital that Interpol has included his name in a so-called “red notice,” the select list of most wanted people in the world.  The international arrest warrant against Rabbani was issued by Argentinean courts.  He is considered one of the masterminds behind two attacks on Jewish targets in Buenos Aires, which killed no less than 114 people in 1992 and 1994.  Rabbani was an Iranian Embassy official in Argentina’s capital and not only developed, but also perpetrated terrorist acts.  With diplomatic status, he is now protected by the regime of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — and responsible for the recruitment of followers throughout Latin America (see document on pg. 68), promising religious influence and also money.  Rabbani’s effort to amass followers in the poor regions of Brazil with no tradition linked to Islam is noteworthy.

The good Professor no longer travels frequently to Brazil, probably because sufficient disciples have been trained that he needn’t.

Along with the recruits in Belo Jardim [a poor community in Brazil], youth from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico traveled to Iran.  The group’s ties to South America go beyond recruitment.  The Federal Police has information that Rabbani came to Brazil a few times in recent years.  In one of those visits, almost three years ago, he used methods that could cause a diplomatic crisis.  The extremist embarked in Tehran bound for Caracas, Venezuela.  From there, he entered Brazil illegally.  Operated by Iran’s state airline, the Tehran-Caracas flight was called “Aeroterror” by intelligence officials for allegedly facilitating the access of terrorist suspects to South America.  The Venezuelan government shields passenger lists from Interpol on that flight.  Professor Rabbani’s movements were being monitored.  The idea was to detain him in Brazil.  Notified, the Federal Police set up an operation, but the order to execute this operation took a while, due to a complicated discussion about the political implications.  Once again, the extremist escaped.

There is no cause for concern and this sort of freedom should be should be encouraged by the United States.  Her borders are secure, except for the Zeta Gang, its affiliates and many others longing to experience the pleasures of true freedom from social and economic repression. The Zetas are, of course, gentle folks and there is no legitimate basis even for speculating that any may have had training in Iran. Indeed, that would be a waste because they themselves seem highly competent to train followers of the Religion of Peace.

“The Zetas are determined to gain the reputation of being the most sadistic, cruel and beastly organization that ever existed,” said George W. Grayson, professor of government at the College of William & Mary and an expert on Mexican drug gangs. “Many of Mexico’s existing drug cartels will kill their enemies, but not go out of their way to do it. The Zetas look forward to inflicting fear on their targets.

“They won’t just cut off your ear, they’ll cut off your head and think nothing of it.”

It is leg-tinglingly grand to see enhanced multicultural advantages flowing even to our cousins in Latin America and we can only hope that the results may eventually spread far and wide throughout the United States as a whole. The United States must learn true multicultural tolerance, extend her welcome to all and cease obstructing her borders. She must encourage all freedom loving people everywhere to travel unfettered so that they will bestow upon us such of the bounteous treasures of their ancient cultures as they may wish.

(This article was also posted at The PJ Tatler.)

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