North Korea and Occupy Wall Street

November 8th, 2011

By Dan Miller

Occupy Wall StreetNorth Korea is a beautiful country with a few minor problems. Due to governmental repression and bad weather, there is insufficient food for the people and North Korea has been begging many other countries for food and other relief. She can, however, grow lots of poppies at her political prison farms to make heroin to export for hard currency. Still, according to a global happiness index her people are almost the happiest in the world, second only to those in China.

Some of the gentle souls at Occupy Wall Street apparently chose to credit North Korean sources.

Some of them may have watched this lengthy (27 minute) and inspiring video, posted by a community organizer Communist activist, showing how prosperous, productive, well fed and happy even the little people are in democratic and free North Korea. It “proves” (in a manner similar to their other “proofs”) not only that people are not starving there but that they are actually far better off than the wretches in the United States.

The rest of us must have been grossly misled by those begging the U.N. and the U.S. to send food.  South Korea recently agreed to send $6.94 million in aid through the World Health Organization. Obviously, the North has no need for that or any other international humanitarian assistance. The OWS folks who think North Korea is great should obviously leave their horrible U.S. brainwashing behind and move to the happy neverland of North Korea. Or perhaps to Big Rock Candy Mountain.

(This article was first published at The PJ Tatler.)

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4 Responses to “North Korea and Occupy Wall Street”

  1. Tom Carter |

    The guy in the long video is obviously another uneducated loser parked in his parents’ basement, probably for life.

    The ignorance of some people is limitless.

  2. Dan Miller |


    Yep. And it is contagious.

  3. larry |

    Any one that credits North Korea with any good is a hopeless nut case. After 60+ years of communist rule the country is still a poverty stricken third world disaster.

  4. Dan Miller |

    According to this article the North Korean propaganda machine is having fun with the Occupy (name a place) Movement.

    “The Occupy Wall St movement was an eruption of the exploited classes’ pent-up wrath at the exploiters.”

    So says North Korea’s propaganda service, which offers a daily round up of world events.

    The Occupy Movement has attracted a smorgasbord of curious proponents around the world such as the Vatican and Iran.

    But as we noted here at Rice Bowl in a Sept. 27 post, North Korea got in early and hasn’t looked back.

    Just how is the movement depicted in North Korea?

    “Ruling quarters in the U.S. are crying in distress that the ‘class struggle has been launched,'” the state-run mouthpiece proclaimed on Oct. 18.

    Last week, a propaganda missive took police to task for brutally suppressing “demonstrators opposing the greed and oppression by capital.”

    This week we learn that “these global demos struck fear into the governments of capitalist countries which boasted of their development.”

    And just to emphasize the horrific conditions in capitalist America, North Koreans are told here that “Gangsters are rampaging through the streets in the U.S., committing all sorts of crimes.”

    Maybe some of the Occupy ___ people really should think about going to happy North Korea.

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