Toxic Trails

July 15th, 2011

By Jan Barry Residents of a once-isolated mountain community in Ringwood, NJ have a bone-chilling tale to tell the rest of America. And HBO is offering its cable television services to help convey this story via a new documentary called Mann v. Ford. Highlighting the community’s fight against a plague of illness and deaths they […]

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Legal Challenge to ObamaCare Passes First Hurdle

August 4th, 2010

By Dan Miller Might the republic prevail? In Virginia, a federal government motion to dismiss the state’s suit against ObamaCare is denied. *  *  * Judge Hudson of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia denied a motion by the federal government to dismiss a suit filed by Virginia challenging the […]

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DOJ’s Unsupported Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

July 9th, 2010

By Dan Miller The already bloated doctrine of federal preemption must not be further engorged. On July 6, 2010, the Holder Justice Department, allegedly without consultation with President Obama, filed suit in federal district court in Arizona to block the new Arizona law intended to enforce existing federal laws against unlawful immigration, something the federal […]

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