The Growing (and Dangerous) Gap Between Information and Wisdom

August 20th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor The Internet is a truly remarkable advancement in our ability to access information. Just about anything we could possibly want to know is now just a few keystrokes away. But, as with most technological innovations, for every benefit to our lives, there is a potential cost as well. With the universe […]

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Can You Disconnect from the ‘Matrix’?

July 3rd, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Yes, you heard me right. I asked whether you are capable of disconnecting…from your smartphone, PC, laptop, tablet, or mp3 player! I realize that is a shocking and perhaps heretical suggestion in a time when most people are connected 24/7. I’m not saying that you have to be thoroughly disconnected; that’s […]

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Is Technology the New Opiate of the Masses?

April 24th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor Karl Marx famously called religion the “opiate of the masses.” Well, to paraphrase Reggie Hammond, Eddie Murphy’s character in the film 48 Hours, “There’s a new opiate in town and its name is technology.” Yes, folks, everywhere you look these days, you see people “shooting up” their technological “drug” of choice, […]

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Life in America: Advertising

August 25th, 2011

By Tom Carter As some may have noted, a couple of months ago I relocated from Europe to Texas.  I lived overseas for many years, most recently the past decade or so in Serbia.  Even though I spent a couple of months each year in the U.S. for various reasons, I really wasn’t immersed in […]

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Technology: Bad Decision Making 2.0

June 21st, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor There has been some egregiously bad decision making in the news lately, highlighted by the revelations around now-former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s ongoing sexually explicit Twitter conversations and photo sharing with six women. And just to show you that this post isn’t a partisan attack, let’s not forget the similarly bad decision […]

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