Change Your Performance Mindset

July 6th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor When I work with businesspeople and companies, my first challenge is to convince them that profitability, whether individual or corporate, though important, should not be the primary focus. To persuade the often-resistant corporate brain trust, I introduce them to what I call the 3 Ps. Yes, at the top of the […]

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Cargo Cult Economics

December 18th, 2010

By Brianna Aubin Pretend that you are on a desert island with six other people.  One guy hunts, another fishes, a third collects firewood, the fourth hauls water, the fifth gathers fruits and vegetables, the sixth builds huts, and you … eat.  Yes, that’s right.  Your job is eating.  You pick up seashells off the beach, and […]

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The Value of Money

November 20th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin One of the stock complaints people make when they point out that there are individuals unable to pay the bills for the things they need, is that “a person’s value shouldn’t be judged by the amount of money they possess.” Now on the surface, this sounds like a reasonable and compassionate statement, and […]

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