Happy Birthday, Kim Il-sung

April 13th, 2013

By Dan Miller Well, sorta. Maybe it will be his last, but I wouldn’t count on it. Kim Il-sung was born (it is written and may even be true) on April 15, 1912. There are over 500 statues of Kim Il-sung in North Korea. The most prominent are at Kim Il-sung University, Kim Il-sung Stadium, Mansudae Hill, Kim Il-sung […]

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Is the 1950 Korea Mess Relevant to the New Korean Mess?

April 6th, 2013

By Dan Miller Probably very little, beyond the differences. The North Korean invasion of South Korea began on June 25, 1950 when North Korean troops — many of them battle-hardened veterans of Mao’s fights against Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists — crossed the thirty-eighth parallel to invade South Korea, initially at the Ongjin Peninsula. They met with little […]

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North Korea, Kim Jong-un and the Big Bad Bomb

May 27th, 2012

By Dan Miller Unsuccessful negotiations with Iran to avoid nuclear weapons development have been much in the news.  Her frequent collaborator North Korea — which has already made and tested nuclear devices — is lurking in the background while we await her delayed attempt to conduct another.  As a Russian arms shipment is en route […]

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Has China Been Fishing in Troubled Waters?

May 18th, 2012

By Dan Miller She may have critters on her plate that will be hard to eat with or without chopsticks. On May 8th, four Chinese boats from the port of Dalian were fishing about fifty miles from the Chinese coast when they were “hijacked” by North Koreans. One vessel was released but the remaining three, […]

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North Korea, Missile Launch, and a Big Bad Bomb

April 12th, 2012

By Dan Miller Going Once!  Going Twice! Going Thrice! Gone! But don’t worry. President Obama is on the ball. The Missile launch After previous failures, it had been anticipated that North Korea would attempt, between April 12th and 16th, to launch a long range missile that it claimed would lift only a harmless small observation satellite […]

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