Chávez Is Off to Brazil; Belay That, He’s Off to Cuba

July 17th, 2011

By Dan Miller It had been announced earlier that el Presidente Chávez of Venezuela would soon leave for cancer treatment in Brazil and that According to the state-run news agency, which did not disclose its sources, Hugo Chávez’s representatives negotiated directly with advisors of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff the details of the treatment. AFP tried […]

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The Latest on el Thugo Chávez

July 2nd, 2011

By Dan Miller There was a Spanish language report in the Venezuelan newspaper el Universal [on June 30], summarized at Fausta’s Blog here, highlighting some of the stories flitting around about el Presidente Chávez and his acknowledgment on June 30th that he is recuperating from cancer treatment — which had previously been denounced as a […]

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El Thugo Continues to Recover in Cuba?

June 22nd, 2011

By Dan Miller Venezuelan President Hugh Chávez, who extended his visit to Cuba on June 8 for surgery there, is still there despite claims that he would return in a “few days.”  Since June 8, his cadenas — lengthy, frequent and mandatory broadcasts on all Venezuelan media — have ceased and he made only one […]

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