Update: More on Obama and Signing Statements

April 17th, 2011

By Dan Miller Shortly after submission of my previous post, several more relevant articles appeared.  Here Candidate Obama’s interpretation of his 2008 message on signing statements was explained. As I understand it, it means that President Obama will issue signing statements only concerning legislation he doesn’t like, not legislation Former President Bush doesn’t like. “While […]

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Constitutional Scholar Obama on Signing Statements

April 17th, 2011

By Dan Miller The silly old Constitution no longer means what it seemed to during the reign of King George The Brute. In 2008 (my how time flies), Candidate Obama rejected presidential signing statements, i.e., signing into law a bill passed by the Congress but saying he won’t abide by the parts he doesn’t like. […]

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Shall We Scream and Shout or Get Something Done?

January 12th, 2011

By Dan Miller We have other tools available besides taking hard stances on the debt limit and repealing Obamacare in the House. It’s been said, tongue-in-cheek I hope: “When in Danger And in Doubt Run in Circles; Scream and Shout” Is that to be the Conservative Republican motto for the next couple of years or […]

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Talk Radio Interview

January 11th, 2011

By Dan Miller Here is a recording of a short interview I did with Jesse Jones and J.R. Williams on talk radio station KXYL, Sweetwater, Texas, about my January 5th article at Pajamas Media and excerpted at Opinion Forum here, entitled “Our New Congress: What Are We Going to Do About It?”. There was a […]

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How the New Congress Can Roll Back Obama’s Agenda

November 6th, 2010

By Dan Miller Soon to be former Speaker Baghdad Bob’s Pelosi’s assessment on November 2 that the Democrats would hold the House of Representatives to the contrary notwithstanding, it will no longer be under “liberal” Democratic Party control come January. Perhaps she will not like the results when she sees them. The conservatives seem to […]

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