Around the Blogosphere

December 10th, 2008

Kevin at Preemptive Karma is running a series of excerpts from Barack Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope.  Kevin is a smart guy, and he’ll find all the good stuff.  I recommend reading his series.

A few days ago, Carla at BlueOregon wrote an interesting post titled, “Stuff that gets my grouch on.”  Take a look at it.  What gets your grouch on?

As usual, MaxedOutMama has a couple of detailed and very informative posts that are worth reading.  Check out “Dixon and Christoffersen” on gay rights and “Wow Oh Wow – Blagojevich” for details on the Illinois governor’s legal troubles. 

Visit The Urban Grind and read Zelda’s “Mother: I Need My Job More Than My Child” if you don’t mind getting angry.  Ditto Vilmar’s “Why Are Israelis So Stupid?

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