Senator Bill Clinton?

December 2nd, 2008

CNN, along with other media, is speculating on Bill Clinton being picked to take Hillary’s Senate seat.  It all depends on New York Governor Paterson.

It’s not that I wish a plague on the House of Clinton, but…actually, I do.  Can’t New York send someone to the Senate who is actually a New Yorker?  Bill and Hillary still don’t have all their carpetbags unpacked.

Why, you might ask, doesn’t Bill run in his home state, Arkansas?  The answer is, they wouldn’t elect him.  Some smart folks down there.

To paraphrase King Henry, will no one rid us of these troublesome Clintons?  Not that I envision the result Henry got; I’d settle to see them in genteel exile in Little Rock, Hillary padding her hours at the Rose Law Firm and Bill chasing winsome lasses through the city parks.  That would be enough.

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