Say What?

September 25th, 2009

Obama_appease1Ah yes, yet another America-bashing hatefest has come to town. Moved from New York City to Pittsburgh to separate the Muslim terrorists from New York and the Libyans from the relatives of the 182 Americans who died over Scotland when a Pan Am flight exploded and fell to earth. What good, if any, has ever come from these anti-American meetings? We furnish everything and also get kicked around for our efforts.

Once again our President gave us his mixture of America the ugly and Obama the ever-vigilant. How in the name of God can this man continue to bad-mouth the nation that made his world possible? You can damn well bet he wouldn’t trade the USA for Kenya or some other backward third world piece of real estate.

While listening to this President sing his own praises and trying to mentally bundle it all into a “things accomplished” list, I finally arrived at the conclusion that to date Obama has gotten more press and television coverage than any President in history for which in return he has done very little in the way of making this a better country. As has been said of others, “He has brought very little to the table,” in spite of his claims to the contrary.

Once more we all have a front row seat to his foreign policy maneuvers, which continue to have little effect on this nation’s standing in the world community. He is undecided and wishy-washy in Afghanistan, a push-over for the Russians in eastern Europe, and sadly the first American president to ever turn away from Israel since her founding in 1948. The list also should include the very dangerous and unstable Iran, which is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power to be reckoned with.

Mixed into all of this is Obama’s desire to change this nation to a latter day version of the old Soviet Union, complete with government control of every facet of every citizen’s life. I doubt that an America ruled by such an intrusive government would survive.

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21 Responses to “Say What?”

  1. Brian Bagent |

    And now I’m hearing reports of school kids being taught songs of praise to our glorious leader. Simply sickening.

    Mao Zedong, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini…Left, right, left, right…the thing they all have in common is the tyrannical power of unlimited government. Every time I hear “living document” in reference to the Constitution, it gives me goose flesh. How long before we see goose-stepping morons in our streets?

  2. Tom |

    That singing for Obama was pretty disturbing. This is the kind of thing you see in all countries run by dictators with their personality cults. Behind it all, we need to pay closer attention to the NEA and their political agenda. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but still….

    In addition to what Larry talks about, there’s the issue of Obama’s significant past associations with ACORN. He may be throwing them under his famous bus now, but he was in bed with them in the past.

    I think Obama still enjoys a lot of good will in the country, and I generally share in that. But he’s slowly but surely squandering it. He needs some outside advisers to sit down with him and talk through what he’s doing and how he’s doing it.

  3. doris |

    Hey, did you notice it was the teaacher,not Barack making them sing? That’s the reason I said teachers are more dangerous than the Pres. You cannot blame him for this stupidity. Oh, but you will.

  4. Brian Bagent |

    In the end, it doesn’t really matter who is leading the chorus, Doris. The fact that it is being sung is a huge problem, and indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of the way free people should comport themselves.

    Tom, you’re right, but his hubris will keep him from it. To him and his kind, there are “the leaders” and the hoi polloi. They know better, d’yasee? It would never occur to them that there is anything wrong with what they do, it is the dull and ignorant masses that just need more coaching.

    Most politicians are narcissists, but Obama seems to be pathological. He seems so convinced of the righteousness of his cause that it and he are above reproach. Only a fool would question someone so wise, worldly, and intelligent as he.

  5. Lisa |

    We’ve learned this week he is in Khadaffi’s court if not ours.

  6. Brianna |

    “In the end, it doesn’t really matter who is leading the chorus, Doris. The fact that it is being sung is a huge problem, and indicates a fundamental lack of understanding of the way free people should comport themselves.”

    Agreed. When I saw this, it scared the heck out of me, circa Hitler’s welcome to Austria in 1935. And just in case anyone here is NOT freaked out? Just think how you’d feel if they had been singing it about Bush.

  7. Brianna |

    “circa Hitler’s welcome to Austria in 1935”

    I meant 1938, sorry.

  8. doris |

    Surely,you guys can see that the teacher was a black lady,and the black people are extremely proud,and rightly so,to have a black pres. After all these years of oppression,it is a great moment in their history,and she was over zealous. She should be repremanded,but this was not the fault of Obama or his administration. There are crazy folk all over, can’t blame the object of their craziness for it.

  9. Brianna |

    “There are crazy folk all over, can’t blame the object of their craziness for it.”

    When crazy people try to brainwash 10 year-olds, I really have no problem blaming them for their craziness. Additionally, I do not view this as an isolated incident, but as a particularly frightening manifestation of a symptom that should not exist in a free country. There’s a BIG difference between respecting a leader and singing his praises; the former attitude belongs in a free country, the latter does not.

  10. doris |

    I agree with you, just not seeing a whole bunch of this happening,only this one incident,that I have seen. I absolutely do not believe that Obama even knows about this, much less, condones it. If he does, he would be wrong, we can’t even sing praises to God in our schools, so certainly shouldn’t to a president. I said before, the people parents need to rein in and fear, for their children are the teachers, not the president.
    My children, were both subjected to outrageous, opinionated teachers, of course, I was there to straighten all that propaganda out, and tell them to form their own opinions, from facts, not from pushy teachers.

  11. Brian Bagent |

    Doris, it is the crazies (like this teacher) that make megalomaniacs and pathological narcissists possible. Vladimir Lenin had a term for these kind of people: “useful idiots.” Don’t imagine that this moonbat is the only one out there.

    And I disagree that blacks should be “extremely proud.” That makes this issue about race, not about capability or integrity or anything else that really matters. I’d vote for J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes or Walter Williams in a heartbeat. It has nothing at all to do with their skin color, and everything to do with the way they think and act. And in fact, I did vote for Keyes in the GOP primary in 2000. When he didn’t get the nomination, I voted for Harry Browne in the general election.

  12. Brianna |

    “just not seeing a whole bunch of this happening,only this one incident,that I have seen.”

    Doris, all you have to do is search youtube (the phrase “obama songs” will be enough) and you will easily find a hundred examples out there. Search the same phrase for Bush, and all you’ll find are protest and hate songs. Brian is right, making this about race is both false and dangerous, and these “useful idiots” are exactly the sort of thing a personal power base is built on.

  13. doris |

    There are no songs about Bush? Imagine that,no one loved him enough? Hard to believe,and maybe you guys are right. It’s just hard to believe Obama condones this,any real evidence of that?
    I’m not saying it’s about race,come on though,don’t you think for the black people it is all about race? Not for other races,but from slaves to the president, is a great achievement. I never said it was about race for you,Brian. I just can’t see him as a huge risk to our country,any more than any other president has been. His power is so limited, people adoring you only goes so far,unless all adore you.

  14. Anonymous |

    “It’s just hard to believe Obama condones this,any real evidence of that?”

    It doesn’t matter whether Obama condones it or not. Nobody has mentioned anything about whether or not Obama condones it. It’s the fact that it’s happening that is scary, not Obama’s response.

    “don’t you think for the black people it is all about race?”

    I certainly hope not; it would mean they’re not considering his policies at all. Admittedly, it’s great that a black man can finally be elected president in this country. I’m glad we’ve gotten that far. But I wouldn’t have voted for Hillary Clinton on grounds that she was a woman, and I certainly would have been equally frightened if people had started singing songs about how wonderful she was if she had been elected.

    “people adoring you only goes so far”

    Yeah, mindless adoration of the dear-leader never gets the dictators of communist/fascist countries anywhere. The pope isn’t all that popular either.

  15. doris |

    I am not catholic,but, I find it hard to believe that you compared the Pope to a dictator of a communist country. Jesus Christ is “mindlessly” adored, surely you won’t compare him to the president or a communist leader? Adoration is not always bad,just stupidity and mind control of children,which is what this was. This was not a part of Obamas plan. I would not vote for a woman, just because she was a woman. If she were the lessor of two bad choices and in my party,well I would pick her,just as some picked Obama,the same way.

  16. Brianna |

    “I am not catholic,but, I find it hard to believe that you compared the Pope to a dictator of a communist country.”

    Not in degree of power or in their specific policies. In the fact that the power base for both is in mindless adoration. Faith being, by definition, belief in something despite the absence of concrete evidence. Blind faith has a lot more power to cause death and destruction than I think you realize, no matter what vehicle that faith is placed in.

  17. doris |

    More death from wars, has been caused by religious faith than any other cause, I understand how dangerous blind faith can be. I do believe sometimes you must have blind faith in one thing or the other. Love, for example, or God,if you go there are both blind faith and not so bad. Faith in your president,is not so horrible,either,but not blind faith.

  18. Anonymous |

    “I do believe sometimes you must have blind faith in one thing or the other.”

    No, never. To follow something blindly, even something good, is always destructive in the end because your faith will eventually cause you to do something bad, which you will not catch because you were too busy believing in it to question. Confidence in well supported conclusions, which you constantly challenge by keeping an eye out for new evidence is the best you can do. The works of Newton were a major breakthrough which finally made a systematic study of the solar system and the universe possible, but if Einstein had blindly assumed that Newton had always been right, we would never have discovered relativity.

  19. doris |

    You are always showing as anonymous,is that you,Brianna? I agree on most of the time,but not on all things. You make an excellent arguement,though.

  20. Brianna |

    “You are always showing as anonymous,is that you,Brianna?”

    Forget to sign in sometimes, sorry. Yes, it’s me.

  21. doris |

    I think you are an amazing young woman,Brianna. I do think after years of life, your opinion on blind faith will change or soften,a little. I assume you will not play the trust game, where you fall back and have blind faith in someone to catch you. Really,I do believe sometime you will have the need for the ability to have blind,or just pure faith, in something.When I was young,I felt the same as you,but lifes trials have brought me to have faith in some things you cannot see or touch or smell or dissect.

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