Health Care Fears

April 3rd, 2010

By Tom Carter

There are lots of concerns about the new health care law, some valid and others not.  Confusing media reports, partisan pundits, and hysterical chain e-mails have created an environment of fear, at least among some people.

Kaiser Health News has published an interesting article addressing some of the specific fears people have, with clear explanations of what is and isn’t true.

Here are the topics and their assessments of each — read the article for details:

  • Comparative effectiveness research will lead to the rationing of care for the elderly.  Not true.
  • Cuts in the Medicare Advantage plans under the health care overhaul “will cause massive disruption for the more than 10 million seniors” and many of them will lose coverage.   Partially true.
  • The IRS will be hiring thousands of new agents to check that people have health insurance and people who don’t will be sent to jail.   Mostly not true.
  • When health care reform kicks in, consumers will have longer waits to see a primary care doctor.   Partially true.
  • The new health law will end TRICARE and force military families to buy different insurance.   Not True.
  • Federal government employees will be forced to switch their health insurance coverage and participate in the exchanges.   Mostly not true.
  • Illegal immigrants will get free health care.   Mostly not true.

One other fear:  Rush Limbaugh said that he would move to Costa Rica (or at least get his health care there) if the reform bill passed.  Some are afraid that he might make good on his promise, others that he might not.  My assessment?  Nope.

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