President Obama Seeks Revenge

November 3rd, 2012

By Dan Miller

There have been many sick moments during the current campaign, but President Obama earned first prize in Ohio.

During a campaign appearance in Ohio, while

in the middle of an attack on Mitt Romney he told a crowd at a campaign rally to stop booing and, “Vote! Voting’s the best revenge!”

Is he already inciting his supporter to riot if he loses?

Here is a definition of “Revenge

1. to avenge (as oneself) usually by retaliating in kind or degree

2. to inflict injury in return for an insult

Examples of REVENGE:

a man who took matters into his own hands and revenged the death of his brother

What has Governor Romney done to the denizens of Ohio for which they should seek revenge? I haven’t been able to think of anything that he might already have done to them. Perhaps President Obama had in mind the terrible things that he hopes his supporters believe will happen to them if he is not reelected. Anticipatory revenge is an unusual concept, but President Obama may have remembered the great foresight of the Nobel Prize Committee in awarding him an anticipatory Peace Prize; he had done nothing noteworthy in the cause of world peace to warrant it, but the Committee evidently thought that he eventually would. That might explain his own request for anticipatory revenge on Governor Romney for the bad things he hopes his supporters believe he may do to them if elected. However, to the extent that it was extemporaneous, his request for revenge seems unlikely to have been a product of that degree of reflection and introspection.

obama_barnardHis call for revenge may well have been a Freudian slip,

a slip of the tongue in which a word that the speaker was subconsciously thinking about is substituted for the one that he or she meant to say.

In any event, it is probable that President Obama sought revenge by his supporters on his own behalf for the great insults heaped upon him by Governor Romney’s campaign: Governor Romney insulted him by daring blasphemously to challenge one so historically great, rather than show proper deference by bowing down before him. Incitements of that nature might be suitable for an ancient Norse God or an absolute monarch; the presidency does not, at least yet, confer such majesty upon a temporary holder of the office.

Breitbart says and I agree,

What kind of divisive, ugly rhetoric is this coming from a sitting president? It’s easy to sympathize with the fact that Obama’s record gives few reasons for anyone to vote for him; and that for that reason, he’s been forced to attempt to destroy his opponent with a half-billion dollars in negative ads — but now the President of the United States is publicly telling a crowd of Americans to vote for revenge. And not just revenge, but revenge against another American.

But what else are we to expect from a president who spent weeks on binders, Big Bird, birth control, and bull shit — the president whose surrogates have used the word “felon” to describe Romney and accused him of murder?

This behavior isn’t just unpresdiential, it’s un-American. (Emphasis added)

Governor Romney could have responded somewhat in kind, not by seeking revenge for insults to himself by President Obama and his supporters, but for the damage President Obama and his administration have inflicted upon the entire nation over the past nearly four years. He did not do that. Instead he said,

Pres Obama asked his supporters to vote for revenge. Instead I ask the American people to vote for love of country.

Here’s the composite Librul response I imagine. Perhaps the Daily Commie will republish it.

Love of country indeed! What a backward looking relic of the wicked past! They want to restore slavery and send innocents back to the fields to pick cotton. Just listen to those ignorant, jingoistic savages who delude themselves that there was ever something — anything — good, exceptional or worth preserving in the so called “United States of America” before President Obama came unto us!

Scrooge McDuck:  Make it rain!They ignore our fair and balanced mass media as they cower with their vast riches in their huge money vaults reading scurrilous misinformation on the internet.

They loudly and repeatedly chant USA! USA! Savage brutes, how dare they! The USA? A country of homophobes and Islamaphobes, such as themselves, that rejects gay marriage and adherence to the only True Religion of Peace! They want to deprive even the poor of their choices to have free contraceptives and abortions. Hateful misogynists! How our beloved composite Julia and our poor little Sandra Fluke must despise them, as do we all! They reject the blessings of universal free stuff. They refused to understand that dependence on a benign Government is the solution to our problems, all of which spring from the festering roots of antiquated independence. They even want to fire our beloved President Obama! Any Librul worthy of the treasures This Nation Under Obama generously bestows upon him must find such inane drivel worse than merely disgusting.

Before President Obama appeared nobly on the scene in a blaze of glorious light and the dark clouds covering the entire world parted, the nation was a White, rich, racist, divided and imperialistic collection of insufferable jerks. Under His wise leadership, the United States ceased to be wickedly rich and became less divided. Under President Obama, the military transitioned from a vile messenger of death, destruction and hatred into a powerful force for universal peace, multicultural understanding, love and social restoration; members of His military now organize communities rather than destroy them. He has converted our foreign enemies into friends and has spread true democracy to the four corners of the Earth. Our great ObamaNation has welcomed countless thousands of differently-documented immigrants as they come freely across her borders to do work that Americans refuse to do, should not have to do and that a grateful nation pays them for not doing.

Trayvon MartinYet there is much more for Him to do. When He came unto us, there was great hope that White racism might diminish. Lately, it has instead revived with a vengeance. Even President Obama’s sweet little son, Trayvon, was brutally murdered by a vile racist — just because he hated Blacks. Even some Whites who sought to put their racist shame behind them by voting to elect President Obama in 2008 are now backsliding into racism and may, for that reason alone, vote for Governor Romney this year.

USA! USA! indeed. Gun totin’ Bible thumpin’ racist redneck scum every one of them. They had better watch out because, when given the second term He truly deserves, President Obama should and must seek revenge against them. They have more than earned it. If President Obama is unfairly deprived of His opportunity to continue His good works to benefit us all, we may be forced to seek revenge ourselves.

My composite Librul might be right, at least about revenge during President Obama’s second term or even if he does not get one.

UPDATE: At least one Democrat in North Carolina wants more than his fair share of revenge.  He has already voted four times and plans to vote some more. What a great, patriotic guy!

Voter Fraud

(This article was also posted at Dan Miller’s Blog.)

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