Cycle of Violence

December 17th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin It’s a commonly accepted fact that if a child is raised in an abusive household, there’s a good chance that he’ll turn out to be an abuser himself.  If your parents beat you, it becomes more likely that you’ll grow up to beat your kids. Grow up with a drunk, it becomes […]

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The Value of Money

November 20th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin One of the stock complaints people make when they point out that there are individuals unable to pay the bills for the things they need, is that “a person’s value shouldn’t be judged by the amount of money they possess.” Now on the surface, this sounds like a reasonable and compassionate statement, and […]

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The First Collectivist

November 18th, 2009

By Brianna Aubin When the Communists, Fascists, and Socialists started advocating their ideas around the turn of the 20th century, they billed them as completely new and radical ideologies. Little did they know that they had already been scooped… by a guy who had been dead for literally over two millenia. Their predecessor’s name? Plato […]

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Truth and Pravda

November 2nd, 2009

By Brianna Aubin Once upon a time the word “Pravda”, meaning “truth” in Russian, was a worldwide joke.  Why?  Because as a state-supported newspaper under a despotic Communist regime, the newspaper was telling anything but. So how bad do you think it has to get before Pravda is lecturing America on how its people are […]

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