Cognitive Biases Are Bad for Business

May 20th, 2013

By Dr. Jim Taylor The conventional wisdom in classical economics is that we humans are “rational actors” who, by our nature, make decisions and behave in ways that maximize advantage and utility and minimize risk and costs. This theory has driven economic policy for generations despite daily anecdotal evidence that we are anything but rational, […]

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Ego in Business: There Is an “M” and an “E” in Team

November 26th, 2012

By Dr. Jim Taylor The San Francisco Giants’ surprising World Series victory in October led to mass celebration and ticker-tape parades in the City by the Bay. It also produced the usual theorizing about how a team could go from being down 0-3 in the National League Championship Series to sweeping the favored Detroit Tigers […]

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Will Mount Rushmore Revert to an Indigenous Tribe?

May 20th, 2012

By Dan Miller It must. Thus spake a rapporteur dispatched by the Union Nation (U.N.) Human Rights Council. Although reversion seems only fitting, President Obama has a higher and better use for what will soon be known to all as Mount Michelle. The esteemed U.N. Human Rights Council, known for its tireless and heroic efforts to diminish […]

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Tiger Mom Is a Scaredy Cat

January 26th, 2011

By Dr. Jim Taylor I know what you’re thinking: “Hasn’t this horse been beaten enough. Three blog posts on the same subject. This guy is seriously obsessed.” Obsessed, I’m not sure, but definitely fascinated. And I guess that it has taken me three tries (no promises that this will be my last post on the […]

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