The Debt Ceiling and the Fourteenth Amendment

January 9th, 2013

By Dan Miller The Fourteenth Amendment does not grant the President unilateral authority to ignore the debt ceiling imposed by the Congress. But what if he does it anyway?

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Supercommittee Deadlines

November 15th, 2011

By Tom Carter The Washington Post has published a series of charts showing the supercommittee’s deadlines and related actions and what happens if they’re all successfully met.  It also shows what will happen, as specified in the Budget Control Act, if the deadlines aren’t met.  This is the best brief summary I’ve seen. The Post […]

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Wanted: Sacrifices for Obama’s Reelection Campaign

July 19th, 2011

By Dan Miller President Obama and others negotiating an end to the debt limit mess are searching for ways out of a political crisis of their own making and trying desperately to kick cans full of worms and of blame down the road to avoid losses during next year’s elections. Solving the underlying problems would […]

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How Do You Solve a Problem like the National Debt?

July 11th, 2011

By Dan Miller Like a leaky faucet wasting water, it’s time to stop the careless flow of taxpayer money.  Also see Video: President Obama promises ‘massive job-killing taxes’ if he is re-elected, at The PJ Tatler. *  *  * The sky is falling! Quick! Run hide under your made-in-China umbrella before it’s too late! As […]

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Social Security Is a Ponzi Scheme … But

July 9th, 2011

By Dan Miller It is claimed by President Obama and many others that Social Security retirement benefits must be on the cutting table during negotiations over raising the national debt limit.  It may happen, and then we will see which party does the better job of  playing the blame game. According to this article, Entitlement […]

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