Two-track High School a Must for Education Reform

September 13th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor There’s a whole lot of talk and even more money being bandied about these days in the name of public education reform (read public education for the poor). And some of the words that cause educators’ hearts to go “THUMP, THUMP” (some with excitement, others with trepidation) are accountability, testing, value-added, […]

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Of What Value a High School Diploma?

May 26th, 2010

By Dr. Jim Taylor I ask this question rhetorically because there is a wealth of data demonstrating the value of a high school education in terms of higher income and greater career advancement compared to dropping out. But when I ask this question, I am also speaking specifically about the typical curriculum that high schools […]

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Ignorance of History and Politics

April 9th, 2010

By Tom Carter I just read a depressing report about the appalling lack of knowledge of American history and politics among young people.  This isn’t really new information, but every time I read about the problem it gets more discouraging. Students leaving high school and entering university score at around 50 percent on a test […]

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