Ex-President Carter Bombs in Pyongyang

May 1st, 2011

By Dan Miller Ex-President Carter did not do himself proud in Pyongyang. Dear Leader Kim Jong-il didn’t meet with him and summoned him back after he had left for the airport to carry an “important message.” The important message was delivered by a foreign ministry official, not Kim Jong Il. The official read out a […]

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A Soft Spot for Jimmy Carter

April 26th, 2011

By Tom Carter My friend Dan Miller had some fun with Jimmy Carter in the article just below, and with good reason.  In recent years, anyway, President Carter has behaved in questionable ways, particularly on issues involving Israel and the Palestinians.  When he launches off to places like North Korea, explicitly criticizing sanctions and implicitly […]

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Ex President Carter Flies off to North Korea – Again

April 25th, 2011

By Dan Miller He is soooo wise, great and cool. Ex President Carter, fired after one term in office and therefore an honored world leader, will fly from China to North Korea shortly for a three day visit to discuss changes in the DPRK’s efforts (thus far apparently successful) to build and test nuclear weapons […]

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Jimmy Carter and Israel

September 8th, 2009

On Sunday, September 6 The Washington Post published another article by former President Jimmy Carter on issues involving Israel and the Palestinians.  Carter’s article reported on a trip he made to the region with several other people he referred to as “Elders,” people who in the past have shown no evenhandedness on Middle East issues.  […]

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